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TestRX ™, o suplemento natural de baixa testosterona para homens


TestRX ™
aumenta a testosterona
para caras que querem músculos maiores!

Visão geral do produto:

Sexo e músculos. Isso não é difícil de vender, e é a principal razão pela qual o suplemento de testosterona natural para musculação TestRX ™ pode tornar seus bolsos muito pesados.

TestRX ™ aumenta a testosterona naturalmente. Isso ajuda na síntese de proteínas e ajuda rapazes:

  • Maior crescimento muscular
  • Obtenha mais energia
  • Recupere mais rápido
  • Quebrar barreiras
  • Obtenha um corpo que gira a cabeça!

Você também pode mencionar que o TestRX tem ZMA - aspartato de monometionina de zinco, aspartato de magnésio e vitamina B6 (piridoxina), que ajudou os jogadores de futebol da NCAA a aumentar "significativamente" o HGH e a testosterona em um estudo clínico.

E a parte sobre como TestRX ™ pode fazer seus clientes mais sexo?

Estudos sobre os ingredientes do TestRX ™ mostram que eles aumentam a virilidade masculina, além de construir músculos (porque aumenta a testosterona). No entanto, eles terão corpo para atrair mais mulheres com TestRX ™, seja seu parceiro casado ou para se divertir um pouco, se não estiverem unidos.

Seu ângulo - venda TestRX ™ como o suplemento natural de musculação que os homens podem usar para aumentar a testosterona naturalmente e romper barreiras para um maior crescimento muscular.

Como resultado, seus clientes ficam maiores e parecem cães alfa - e VOCÊ ficará muito mais rico graças ao TestRX ™ e sua fórmula vencedora!

Formato do produto:

Cada caixa contém 120 cápsulas de TestRX ™ e dura um mês.


Homens com mais de 21 anos que são ativos e desejam músculos maiores e potencial atlético contínuo sem agulhas.

Países Permitidos

Todos os países permitidos, exceto: Afeganistão, Botswana, Cuba, Egito, Estônia, Islândia, Índia, Irã, Iraque, Líbano, México, Mianmar, Coreia do Norte, Noruega, Samoa, África do Sul, Sudão, Síria, Venezuela

Dear Testosterone

Dear Testosterone. You're the manly hormone that makes me a guy. I didn't have much of a relationship with you until I hit puberty. Then we became good friends - boy did we! You deepened my voice and gave me bigger muscles. My bones got thicker and, heck, you even increased my penis size.

Thanks for that, Testosterone, because you helped me get sporadic erections and made me a stud in the bedroom.

So what happened to you, my friend, Mr. Testosterone? You were once so abundant that I could count on getting wood. Now that I'm over 40 I don't see you as much. My sex drive ain't firing on all-cylinders and my muscles aren't so big anymore!

Meet Mr. Low T

Testosterone, we had such a great relationship until I was about 40. But then you didn't come around quite as often. And another dude made his acquaintance with me. This dude is a bit of a downer, dear testosterone. He calls himself Low T and he came with this baggage:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Loss of Muscles
  • Bones
  • Depression
  • Smaller Testicles
  • Larger Breasts
  • I really don't like Mr. Low T, my good friend Testosterone, because he affects my life quality in ways I don't enjoy. I heard a rumor that he typically shows up when Total Testosterone goes below 270ng/dL (9-38nmol/L). Is that true? Every man is different, but I need to know. Why did you do this to me?

    Why Mr. Low T Keeps Visiting

    If I'm gonna be totally honest, dear Testosterone, Mr. Low T is making life miserable. I feel less complete and I don't have as much energy as when you and I had a stronger relationship. I guess I have to accept that I'm partly to blame here. I read up and learned that while Mr. Low T may start popping by as I get older, he may come more often with:

    • Obesity
    • Diabetes type 2
    • Exposure to Phtalates and Gender-Bending Chemicals
    • Ongoing exposure to WiFi Radiation

    You know, I was really in shock when I heard that some habits I never even thought about affected my relationship with you, dear Testosterone. But now I know - I've got to clean up my act a little bit if I'm going to give Mr. Low T the butt-kicking he deserves.

I promise I'll do it - because Testosterone makes me a man!

I Promise to Live By These Testosterone-Friendly Habits!

So here's the deal, dear Testosterone. I recognize there are some things that affect my relationship with you beyond my control. I spoke with my doctor about some of them, like inherited diseases or problems with my testicles.

But I also know that I can do a lot of things to stay good with you, and keep that butt-ugly Mr. Low T at a reasonable distance. I promise to:

Exercise - I've heard this so many times it's not funny. But it's true - my levels go up when I hit free weights, and I stay in good shape too. Plus, I look hot, so women will dig me.

Cook with CERAMIC Non-Stick Cookware - Yes, I was surprised to learn those cheap teflon non-stick pans are high in endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) but I've learned my lesson. Pay a little more for ceramic cookware and we're on better terms.

Don't Eat From Cans - I promise to eat fresh food where possible and avoid eating out of those gender-bending chemical-heavy cans I used to eat with!

Keep My Smartphone Out of My Front Pocket - No more tucking my iPhone in my front pocket. In fact, I'll keep my laptop off my lap top as well!

A Little TestRx Goes a Long Way

One more thing, dear Testosterone...

Despite my best efforts, I know as a man I could lose about 10% of you each decade after 30. And I just ain't cool with that. I want my erections back, along with greater sex drive and more muscle. I'll live by these good testosterone habits, but I'm also gonna do one more thing - I'm gonna put a little TestRX natural testosterone booster in my life, and feel like the man you want me to be.

See, I've heard about hormone replacement therapy and the risks linked to it. I also know researchers don't know if it's safe to use long-term, and the rumblings of health problems have me a little on edge.

So I'm gonna boost testosterone naturally, care of TestRX, and get you back with natural ingredients like Tongkat Ali. Combine TestRX with these good testosterone habits and I've got a feeling we'll both get our groove back!

8 Gym Motivation Tips From TestRX

Sometimes it’s good to let emotions dictate your actions.

As guys we’re told to be cool let logic guide what we do. Nine times out of ten that’s good advice – until you’re stuck for gym motivation, and you really have no reason to get off your butt and hit the weights.

Your emotions are exceptionally good at putting you in your place and challenging you. We’re told it’s bad to compare yourself to other guys. That’s good advice, until you consider much of your health and looks are within your control. The makers of TestRX believe we all need a little gym motivation from time to time. And with that in mind, here are 8 slightly shallow but highly effective motivation tips to cowboy the heck up and push some iron…

Swimsuit Season – Don’t be the Michelin man in a Speedo. You want to turn heads by the pool for the right reasons. Not for your gut, tiny arms, hairy back and out-of-shape visage.

Surprise the Doubters – Here’s another reason to swap your PJs for your gym shorts on a lazy Saturday. Some guys expect you to quit. So prove them wrong – tell them you’re starting a new training program. Then, silence the doubters and see it through.

Some Guys Think They’re Better Than You – Generally speaking, this is a dangerous game. You want to be the best version of YOU and not let some egotistical schmuck influence your life. Still, your body is largely within your control, so even if you’ve got a gut or you’re on the smaller side, hit the gym hard with TestRX and turn the tables on them!

Be Strong – It’s cool to be a guy. It’s cooler to be a strong guy, who can swing an axe and be ‘surprisingly strong’. There are no shortcuts here, son. Get your butt in the gym and lift away.

Feel Good! – When you look good, a funny thing happens: you feel good too (shocker, huh?). You’ll get a natural high by smashing through barriers, and you’ll have more confidence in other areas of your life.

Think of Your High School Reunion – Funny how so many guys look older just 10 years out of high school. You know the guy – he’s got a gut, and his face looks lethargic. While you can’t control hair loss, you CAN do your part by not being the guy who lets himself go. Surprise people, and enjoy those comments of how good you look.

Succeed in Life – Looks count. It’s sad but true, and like hair loss, you can’t control the genetic cards you’re dealt, but your waist, arms, chest and most of your body can all be improved. Studies show fit guys tend to get more promotions. Hash tag gym motivation (#gymmotivation!) to be fit and take charge.

The Gym is Fun! – Well OK, not always, but you can at least make it more enjoyable with a new workout playlist on your iPod. Let loose a little and load up some new tracks that will get you hot and bothered. Another secret; starting over is tough, but lifting heavy can be addictive, and the feeling after makes it so worthwhile!

WOMEN – Let’s not BS here. You’re in the gym because of the ladies, correct? That alone is gym motivation. Girls love muscle – it’s that simple – and even if you’re happily married, your significant other will definitely notice your fit body after going hard on the plates. So man up and deal with it. Boost your testosterone with TestRX natural bodybuilding supplement, and get bigger guns, a wider chest, stand a little taller, and be the alpha male nature wants you to be!

Click Here To Get TestRX!

How TestRX Can Help Your Weightlifting

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’ve hit the gym hard for months and the gains are slower. You’re bummed, because you’re barely maintaining the muscle you have. You’ve got less motivation to hit the weights as a result – and you really, truly don’t want to be in the gym at the moment.

Can you relate?

You’ve hit your plateau. This happens to the best of us when we’re weightlifting, and it can really affect your confidence in the gym. Is there a solution? Here’s an idea – take a step back, make a new iPod workout list and try TestRX weightlifting supplement, which boosts testosterone and can help get you back on track.

Weightlifting and Protein Synthesis

Protein is the building block of muscle. Sound familiar? Well, it’s true – muscles occur when your body repairs the microtears in muscular tissue after weightlifting (or resistance training in general). Your body adds extra tissue as a response, to help you adapt to the greater workload.

Protein fuels this process, and testosterone makes protein, in a process called protein synthesis, which makes that protein usable by the body. If you want to get technical, testosterone binds to androgen receptors in muscle cells, which stimulates protein synthesis and gives you bigger pipes.

Most guys tend to lose about 1% of their natural testosterone levels each year after 30, though it can often be more than that. And that’s where TestRX comes into play – it stimulates natural testosterone naturally, and can help you get the body you want without needles or synthetic hormones.

How Does This Help ME?

If you’re plateauing, TestRX can give you more testosterone. It’s important to vary up your program though – you should take at least a week off and tweak your routine a little (TestRX has a good resource on its site on how to break though plateaus – be sure to check it out).

If you’re not plateauing, you will at some point. TestRX can help you regardless, because it’s a natural weightlifting supplement that stimulates natural testosterone, and that helps protein synthesis, and aids with faster recovery, bigger muscles, and a variety benefits that help in the weight room. Stuff like:

More Energy – More testosterone means more energy.

Weight Loss – Muscles help your body burn fat quicker – and testosterone loss is a major reason guys get flabby in the first place!

Better Athletic Performance - TestRX has several ingredients that have shown in clinical studies to increase athletic performance – even under extreme stress.

Muscle Oxygenation – The ingredients in TestRX bodybuilding supplement have shown to help deliver oxygen to the muscles.

Faster Recovery – You’ll most likely recover from your workouts faster with TestRX, which should give you bigger muscles as a result.

Bigger Muscles – All this helps you get bigger guns. Imagine being able to turn heads for all the right reasons when you take off your shirt. Guys would envy you and women – well – let’s just say attracting women is one of the reasons TestRX does such brisk sales in the first place.

Bonus: More Sex

Guys buy TestRX weightlifting supplement because it helps them blast through barriers in the gym, have better athletic performance, get bigger muscles and achieve the body they want.

But there’s a highly enjoyable bonus that comes with TestRX; you may find you get more sex because of it.

How’s this? Several of the ingredients in TestRX have shown to increase male virility. This makes sense; testosterone is a sex hormone, and indeed it’s what fuels your desire to hit the sheets. Studies on the ingredients in this high-impact formula show it does just that.

Bigger muscles AND more sex. There ain’t nothing wrong with that!

Think about this as well; muscles on a guy are like breasts on a woman. We can’t take our eyes off of them (don’t lie – you know what you’re looking at when a woman wears a low-cut dress!). Now imagine flipping the scenario, so you show off your bigger muscles with TestRX at the beach, out in public, or in the privacy of your bedroom.

Let’s just say you’ll be handsomely rewarded with TestRX, with bigger muscles, more sex appeal, and the very enjoyable ability to back them up!

Click Here To Get TestRX!

Symptoms of Low T

You may cringe a little when guys mention symptoms of low T. That's assuming you're open to discussing them with other men - low T symptoms range from the invisible to things that might truly shock you, like larger breasts and smaller testicles.

Yes, low T can actually shrink your balls and cause other symptoms that can make you feel like less of a man. But you're not powerless here. Let's review why some men get the uglier symptoms of low T and what they can do about it - and what you can do too.

Testosterone is the Man Hormone

You're already familiar with the ABCs of testosterone. It's the most famous androgen, or male sex hormone. Among other things, it deepens your voice and puts hair on your chest. Testosterone helps you build muscles and fuels your sex drive. In fact, it even contributes to your penis size and famously helps you get wood.

Most of your testosterone comes from the testicles, though it's made in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. And your pituitary gland plays a role too, by releasing luteinizing hormone (LT) when testosterone gets low. This tells the testiscles to get with the program and make more of this most manliest of hormones.

Testosterone is low when you're a boy. Then 'the change' happens and you go through puberty. That's when you'll first get body hair and your voice gets deep. And your sex drive...well, you know what happens then.

Symptoms of Low T

Each man is different, but testosterone tends to peak between age 30 and 40. After that it tapers off, generally at 10% each decade. That's when you may start noticing these symptoms, which may get worse if you don't do something about them:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lower Sex Drive
  • Loss of Muscle
  • Smaller, Softer Testicles
  • Larger Breasts
  • Thinner Bones

There's more where that came from too. Testosterone also regulates your mood and your relationships with others. Low T can lead to depression and feelings of worthlessness. Some evidence suggests low T may lead to osteoporosis as well. Despite what you've heard, men are not immune to bone fractures and loss of bone mass.

How to Diagnose Low Testosterone

Most testosterone in your blood is bound to a hormone called sex hormone binding gloobulin (SHBG). Testosterone that is NOT bound to SHBG is called 'Free Testosterone', which can lead to sex problems and is even linked to kidney damage. 'Total Testosterone' is as the name implies. It's all testosterone, including free testosterone and that bound by SHBG.

The average man has 270 to 1070 ng/dL (9-38 nmol/L) of total testosterone. His free testosterone should be 50-210 pg/mL (174-729 pmol/L). Below that and he's flirting with low T.

You'll need a doctor to diagnose low T. He'll do that with a blood test, possibly done in the morning, when testosterone levels tend to be highest of the day.

TestRX is Designed to Boost Testosterone Naturally

You've got several options to fight low testosterone. They're typically forms of synthetic testosterone (hormone replacement therapy), taken as shots, gels or patches, tablets or even pellets injected under your butt cheeks.

But some men (and doctors) hesitate to do hormone replacement therapy because of the adverse effects it may come with - and that's why many guys now opt to address low T with TestRX natural testosterone booster.

Unlike synthetic testosterone, TestRX is not a drug. Instead, it's formulated with natural ingredients like tongkat ali to stimulate testosterone naturally. Think of it as a gentle awakening - a coaxing of your body to start making more testosterone with natural ingredients. You'll feel the difference and see it too, with bigger muscles and erections that come more frequently.

All guys are different, and this is not to say that all men should use TestRX to address low T. But it's no coincidence that more guys are turning to TestRX, and feel more complete for doing just that.

TestRX’s All New Muscle-Building Formula

If you’re heard of TestRX, you know what it does. TestRX is a natural testosterone booster. As that description implies, it’s designed to boost testosterone, without needles, and help guys feel like they’re in their 20s, with more energy, less fat storage, more muscle and higher sex drive.

Yet a funny thing happened with TestRX. A lot of guys bought the popular low T booster specifically to get bigger muscles. And why not? Testosterone encourages protein synthesis and fuels muscle growth. Yet it’s natural, and that gives men an option to get bigger muscles without steroids.

So TestRX did something that guys are now applauding; TestRX is now a bodybuilding supplement, with an all-new testosterone boosting formula that gives men more energy, faster recovery, and bigger muscles as a result.

And don’t tell everyone, but it may also increase your sex drive and stamina. The new TestRX formula is the following:

Fenugreek – Fenugreek may help you lose weight. A 2010 study found this popular herb from India and the Arabic region helped 30 guys lose fat and boost testosterone. That testosterone had high bioavailability too, which means the body can use it more efficiently.

Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D3 is linked to 25% higher testosterone. Yes, it’s the sunshine vitamin, and assists with better calcium absorption, but this fat-soluble vitamin is also a testosterone booster, as evidenced by a 2011 study that found it increased this muscle-building hormone in 165 non-diabetic volunteers.

Vitamin K2 – Just call Vitamin K2 your testosterone preserver – a study conducted in 2011 found this group of compounds helped boost testosterone in the testes. It may also reduce bone loss, and appears to have cardiovascular benefits as well.

Vitamin B6 – One of the B vitamins, Vitamin B6 is responsible for a variety of health functions in the body. A 1984 study suggests it influences testosterone and other steroid hormones, possibly by recycling receptors from the nucleus to cytosol after initial translocation.

Magnesium – Magnesium may be the ultimate energy drink – it’s the second most common electrolyte in the body and helps deliver oxygen to your muscles. This is strengthened by a 1998 study which found this essential dietary mineral ‘substantially’ reduced time for extreme athletes to finish triathlon-like training.

Magnesium appears to alter how the body uses glucose when exposed to extreme physical stress, so athletes have better performance when things get real. Additionally, it’s linked to increased strength as well.

Zinc – You know zinc as an aphrodisiac, and indeed, this is what helps make TestRX a virility booster. But zinc is poetry for your testosterone too, according to a 2006 study which found this essential micronutrient helped wrestlers get their T back after exhaustion. More enjoyable, a 1981 study shows zinc makes guys more, uh, ‘randy’ and ‘capable’ in the bedroom.

D-Aspartic Acid – You have no idea the power of D-Aspartic Acid. This amino acid boosts testosterone and then some, according to a 2009 study, which found D-AA boosted testosterone, HGH and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). That translates to fun in bed, according to another study – this one in 2012, which found D-AA boosted testosterone in guys between 30% and 60%.

Virility increased as well in that study, in case you were wondering.

In short, TestRX bodybuilding supplement is made with high-octane natural ingredients that boost testosterone and increase muscle growth, boost strength, help guys lose weight and recover faster. Consider it your legal edge for testosterone in the gym – TestRX can give you sex and muscles. If you’re man enough to claim that edge, step up and order TestRX now.

Click Here To Get TestRX!

What is TestRX?

You've heard of low testosterone. You may actually know it more intimately than you'd like - estimates put the number of guys with low testosterone at one in three men over 30. And yet hormone replacement therapy is a whole can of worms you'd rather not pursue.

But the talk of the health community recently has been a new product called TestRX. The reason? It occupies a unique space for guys with low T. It's not aimed at guys who just want to put on muscle. Instead, it's formulated for the unique challenges than men face with low testosterone after age 45.

Just as significant, it's natural, and lets men stimulate their own testosterone rather than getting it from a synthetic source.

TestRX is a Natural Testosterone Booster

Do you have symptoms of low testosterone? That's erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, fatique, loss of muscle, smaller testicles and even larger breast (among others). Nice huh? The impact on sex live alone is enough to make most guys cringe. And that's why guys turn to TestRX - because it helps them take back their man hormone and brings something that resembles quality of life back in the picture.

Now a little more about the 'natural' part of TestRX. The product is formulated with vitamins, amino acids and botanicals like tongkat ali that have shown in clinical studies to boost production of this masculine hormone.

For example, a study published in 2013 found tongkat ali increased testosterone by 37%. Another ingredient in TestRX, TT, has shown to boost testosterone by 52% - and sex drive, bone thickness, depression and sleep quality all improved with ingredients in the TestRX fomula.

Low T needs a specific touch in guys once they hit 45 and slowly march into their higher years. The average man loses 10% of testosterone each decade after. And that's just average. There are many guys who lost 90% of their testosterone by the time they're 70.

Benefits of TestRX

TestRX lets you get that testosterone back, naturally, and without hormone replacement. And with that, it helps men raise their quality of life, with benefits including:

Bigger and More Frequent Erections - Testosterone governs your penis size and your ability to get and keep wood.

Increased Muscle Tone - Testosterone is responsible for protein synthesis - the building block of bigger pipes. In particular, you'll see a difference in upper and lower body composition.

More Strength - One of the ingredients in TestRX, called fenugreek, increased leg press performance by over 25%.

Thicker Bones - TestRX should help you thicken bones too, and lower your chance of falls and bone fractures.

More Energy - You'll have more energy with TestRX, and be in a better mood too, because low T often leads to depression.

TestRX is Not a Steroid

Steroids are a class of drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone. Steroids have anabolic properties, meaning the ability to 'build up', which is why they're often abused by athletes and some body builders.

Keep in mind too these same people use testosterone in very high quantities - far more than the average man with low T needs or should ever take.

TestRX has no testosterone in its formula. That's why it's not a steroid. Instead, it's designed to stimulate your own testosterone naturally, with ingredients that have shown in clinical studies spanning decades to gently awaken the male body and put sex drive, bone density, greater muscle tone and more energy back within reach.

No needles required - or the dangers and creepy stories linked to steroids and/or synthetic testosterone.

Boost Testosterone Naturally

That's the skinny on TestRX. It's a dietary supplement that men take to boost testosterone naturally and fight low T without hormone replacement therapy.

Buy TestRX to feel like a man at any age, whether you're 52 or 87, and lift your overall quality of life and enjoy your relationships with others.

Remember, TestRX is guaranteed for 67 days and comes with live, friendly and discreet customer service support seven days a week. There's a company behind the product too - Leading Edge Health. They're the same folks that make other quality natural ingredients, including VigRX Plus.

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