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Total Curve ™



Para mulheres que procuram aumentar seus seios sem os custos, complicações e desconforto dos implantes mamários de silicone, a terapia de aumento de mama em 3 etapas Total Curve ™ é um processo natural de aumento de mama que nutre e faz crescer os seios femininos de dentro para fora.

O que isto significa? No ano passado, quase 400 mil mulheres nos Estados Unidos passaram pelo processo de implantes mamários de silicone. No entanto, existe um estigma sobre os implantes mamários de silicone que afasta muitas mulheres. Eles ainda querem aumentar seus seios ... mas não cortando-os.

A terapia de aumento de mama em 3 etapas Total Curve ™ consiste em um processo de três etapas. Funciona assim:

Passo Um: O Suplemento Diário Total Curve ™ é uma cápsula única diária, contendo uma série de fitoestrogênios naturais e seguros que imitam o papel do estrogênio no processo de desenvolvimento da mama. O suplemento diário também melhora a saúde geral da mama.

Etapa dois: Total Curve ™ Lifting & Firming Gel, especialmente formulado com Volufiline ™, é aplicado nos seios todos os dias durante 60 dias. Volufiline ™ é clinicamente comprovado por aumentar o tamanho dos seios em até 8,4% em menos de 60 dias.

Etapa três: O programa de exercícios Total Curve ™ consiste em uma série de exercícios fáceis de realizar, em casa ou na academia, para contrair e desenvolver os músculos que sustentam os seios. Isso levanta os seios e reduz a "flacidez".

Para a mulher que quer aumentar e celebrar seus seios, e há muitos deles, sem cirurgia, sutiãs push-up ou tecnologias não comprovadas, a terapia de aumento de mama em 3 etapas da Total Curve ™ é um método comprovado de aumentar os seios usando o método mais eficaz possível - seu próprio corpo!

Formato do Produto:
O sistema de 3 partes do Total Curve consiste em um suplemento diário, um gel de levantamento e firmamento e, finalmente, um programa de exercícios.

Adequado para mulheres de 21 a 65 anos ou mais que desejam aumentar e aumentar seus seios sem cirurgia ou sutiã push-up e que desejam aumentar seus sentimentos de apelo sexual e autoconfiança.

Breast Enhancement - Making the Right Choice

If you've been wondering about breast enhancement, you're not alone. In 2007 there were 397,330 breast augmentation procedures performed in the United States alone, making it the leading surgical cosmetic procedure performed in the U.S. While it is clear that her breasts are vital to her confidence and positive self-image as a woman, the question whether breast augmentation is necessary, or healthy, remains an individual choice. Fortunately, there are healthy and affordable options to make your breasts as vivacious and beautiful as you desire.

What are the Options?

While there is a variety of options available to enhancing your breasts, they generally fall into the categories of surgical and non-surgical. Breast implants are an established and popular breast-enhancement procedure among North American women. Stem cell fat transfer augmentation is another surgical enhancement procedure, while breast enlargement pumps and padded bras round out the non-surgical breast augmentation options. Do they work? Some do - breast implants are wildly popular. But they're expensive, at $2,500- $5000 per procedure. They can also lead to ongoing breast health issues, including difficulty detecting breast cancer, ongoing soreness and problems with breast feeding. Contrary to popular belief, breast implants are not permanent, and frankly, some women find the though of having their breasts sliced open downright unappealing.

Fortunately, there is one final option.

Natural breast enhancement is a non-surgical, safe and effective method to enhance and celebrate your breasts. Unlike the other options, natural breast enhancement uses phytoestrogens, which tighten and lift breast tissues. Moreover, this method balances the natural hormone levels produced by your body, and promotes overall breast health with herbals, nutrients and hormone balancers. Natural breast enhancements are often available in a three-step therapy system, consisting of a daily supplement, a gel and an exercise regiment. When looking for a daily supplement, be sure find one that contains buckwheat leaves, damiana leaf and watercress, as found in Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, as these ingredients are known to fight breast cancer, and produce breast milk and tissue.

Additionally, natural breast enhancement yields another secret ingredient proven to grow natural, healthy breasts. Volufiline is a recent development in natural breast enhancement that contains sarsasapogenin, which stimulates lipogenesis, causing the fatty tissue in breasts to grow in quantity and volume. In a recent clinical study, 32 women between the ages of 18 and 35 applied Volufiline to one breast, twice daily. Scientists looked a the results on days 28 and 56 of the study. The results? Twenty-five per cent of the women saw a 6.6% increase in breast size after 28 days. As a testament to its effectiveness, Volufiline is a key ingredient in Total Curve Lifting & Firming Gel and Volufiline has now been clinically proven to increase breast size by up to 8.4% in under 60 days.

It's Your Choice

Breast enhancement does not have to be painful, nor expensive, and many women would argue that any breast enhancement procedure should compliment and work with a woman's body and its natural balance of hormones and phytoestrogens rather than (literally!) tearing her breasts apart. Natural breast enhancement, as promoted by Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, is a celebration of the female form and its beauty. The choice is yours.

Total Curve Promotes Breast Health

Breast cancer kills women. On average, breast cancer accounts for almost ten per cent of all cancer deaths in women, accounting for over half a million deaths in women world-wide, and almost one per cent of all deaths each year. Most deaths from breast cancer occur in the United States.

These are discouraging stats. They're made more discouraging when you consider that breast cancer is often preventable. While some cases are hereditary, more often than not, lifestyle, diet, exercise and other factors play a role in determining a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.

Total Curve believes that awareness of the issue is an important step in preventing breast cancer, while enhancing overall health in women. That's why we've written this article. We think you'll agree that knowledge is power, and with it comes the chance to save lives.

Breast cancer occurs most commonly in the breast's milk ducts, or the lining that supplies the ducts with milk. Eighty per cent of breast cancers are discovered when the carrier discovers a lump on her breast. Timing is crucial to a positive outcome. The earlier it's detected, the better the outlook for survival. Treatments for breast cancer include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Statistically, an American woman has 12.5 % chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, with a one in 35 chance of death. While genetics play a role in determining the likelihood of breast cancer, it's a minor cause, at five per cent. The most common cause of breast cancer, by far, is lifestyle. Excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise and obesity – especially after menopause – are leading causes of breast cancer in women.

Age is also a factor. Only five per cent of breast cancer patients are women under 40.

This makes it even more important to adopt healthy living habits when you're young. The list of breast cancer-preventing habits is extensive.

You can start by eating mushrooms and drinking green tea. A recent study of over 2,000 women suggests that women who regularly ate mushrooms had a 50% lower rate of breast cancer. When combined with green tea, the risk was lowered by 90%.

In fact, make vegetables a staple of your diet, especially brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts). Studies show that women who consume one and a half servings of brassica vegetables every day have a 42% reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Brassica vegetable consumption works inversely to breast cancer risk. The more brassicas consumed, the lower the risk.

Avoid obesity, especially after menopause. A recent study concluded that an added weight of 22 lbs after menopause increased breast cancer risk by 18%.

Alcohol and second hand smoke are also leading causes of breast cancer. Studies have conclusively found a link between women who consumed two units of alcohol each day increased their chances of developing breast cancer by 8% and increased proportionately for every additional drink. Second hand smoke, particularly in pre-menopause women, increased the likelihood of developing breast cancer later in life by an astounding 70%!

Total Curve can help you reduce your risk. We've strategically placed buckwheat and watercress in our Total Curve Daily Supplement because they're both proven to increase overall breast health in women. What's really encouraging though is that new medical evidence suggests that watercress is a powerful inhibitor of breast cancer. In a recent British study, scientists concluded that watercress interferes with a protein responsible for breast cancer. In fact, evidence from the study suggests that watercress simply 'turns the breast cancer signal off', stopping the cancer growth on the spot.

This is good news for women and another reason to let Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy enhance your body with beautiful, natural and healthy breasts.

How Total Curve Enhances Your Body with Beautiful Breasts

Some breast enhancement techniques involve pumps that clamp onto your breasts for months at a time. Other options include padded bras that don't enhance your breasts at all. Then of course, there is the infamous breast implant surgery, in which a surgeon slices your breasts open to insert silicone implants that will eventually need to be replaced and require lengthy and expensive recurring surgeries. We at Total Curve would rather give you natural and beautiful breasts without knives or clamps. In fact, everything you need to grow your breasts with Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy comes from within your body. Here's how it works.

Estrogen plays an important role in the size and shape of your breasts. Because of this, your first step in the breast augmentation process with Total Curve is the Total Curve Daily Supplement, which contains a series of natural and safe phytoestrogens to increase your overall breast volume. These phytoestrogens mimic estrogen's role in the breast development process. The Daily Supplement also contains a variety of herbals, nutrients and antioxidants that promote overall breast health while reducing symptoms of PMS, menopause, diminished sex drive and vaginal dryness. Take one capsule twice a day for best results.

The second step in enhancing your breasts with Total Curve is our Total Curve Lifting and Firming Gel, which you apply to your breasts every day, injecting them with vital cell-pumping action. Volufiline, which is clinically proven to grow breast fatty cells by 640%, is the secret weapon here. Volufiline contains sarsasapogenin, which stimulates lipogenesis and stimulates the fatty cells in your breasts to grow in quantity and volume.

A little more about Volufiline. Recent clinical tests have shown tremendous potential for this stimulator of breast tissue. In two surveys, of two groups of women between the ages of 18 and 35, who were not pregnant or breast feeding and who had all maintained a stable weight for three months, participants applied Volufiline to one breast, twice daily. Scientists measured the results on days 28 and 56 of the survey. Twenty-five per cent of the women reported an increase of breast size of 6.6% on day 28 and 8.4 % on day 56. That's without the scarring, discomfort and side effects associated with other breast augmentation methods.

The third step in enhancing your breasts is the Total Curve Exercise Program. Exercise in itself does not increase volume of fatty tissue in your breasts. However, it does tone the muscles supporting your breasts, which provides a natural breast lift and makes them appear larger. We walk you through all the exercises, which are easily performed, either in a gym or at home, with or without equipment. Lead an active lifestyle and time is in short supply? No problem, they're easy to incorporate into your day, and easy to perform for beginners.

With these three steps, of the phytoestrogen-packed Daily Supplement, the Volufiline-formulated Activator Gel and the Total Curve Exercise Program, Total Curve offers you the safest, healthiest and most effective natural breast therapy available. With Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, you will have beautiful and bountiful breasts. This is our guarantee.

Total Curve - Better Than Reconstruction Surgery?

You've heard about breast implants. And you probably know someone who's been affected by breast cancer. A mastectomy is one of the more common ways to treat this killer of women.

Safety counts, always. If you're affected by breast cancer, listen to your doctor. And if he or she suggests a partial or full-mastectomy, then for your health and well-being, do it.

Once it's done, however, some women feel less than complete, missing part of or a complete breast. Many women undergo breast reconstruction surgery to treat this issue. And while the psychological benefits of such a procedure are well-known, a new study suggests that breast reconstruction surgery can have major implications, particularly related to the stomach.

Meanwhile, Total Curve is a natural, two-step breast enhancement therapy, consisting of a Daily Supplement and a Lifting & Firming Gel. And it's got a secret weapon that makes Total Curve an attractive option for women looking to add lift and volume - Volufilineâ„¢ is clinically proven to increase breast size by up to 8.4% in less than 60 days.

The Goods On Breast Reconstruction Surgery

According to a new survey, women who pursue breast reconstruction surgery to address loss of breast size and appearance from a mastectomy are generally happy with the results and report increased feelings of sex appeal and well-being.

The survey, published in the online edition of Cancer, a journal of the American Cancer Society, consisted of 51 women, each given a questionnaire three weeks after the surgery, and again three months after they'd done the procedure. As most of the women indicated, they had no regrets. The women felt better about their bodies, their health and their sex appeal.

About ten per cent of the women had major complications. "Major" was defined as an unexpected return to the hospital. All of the women recovered from the procedure, complications or not. Yet, researchers noted that the surgery came with unforeseen consequences.

Tummy Trouble...And Not the IBS Kind

Breast reconstruction surgery requires a donor site from which to take tissue. That donor site is typically the abdomen. And as the researchers found, many of the women experienced significant loss of abdominal strength.

That's not the end of the world. But as the study suggests, it presented an ongoing inconvenience to the women. Such deterioration of the stomach muscles might, for example, make it difficult to pick up groceries or a child.

Lack of abdominal strength could also make it difficult to get out of bed. Instead of sitting up, as she used to, a woman might have to roll out of bed.

How Total Curve Might Help

For women interested in breast reconstruction, Total Curve presents an attractive option. Let's review how it might help.

Total Curve is formulated to increase breast volume and reduce sagging. While it's unlikely that Total Curve will dramatically increase breast size in women who've completely removed a breast, it's very possible that it can increase volume in women with partial breast removal. And it can improve appearance.

Volufiline contains sarsasapogenin, which stimulates lipogenesis. That's an important point, because during lipogenesis, fatty tissues grow within the breasts, for more volume and better lift.

In women looking for fuller, more pleasing breasts after a mastectomy, that may just be what they're looking for. At a fraction of the cost of reconstructive surgery, and without the complications. You can still get out of bed. No rolling required.

Total Curve is the Healthy Option for Beautiful Breasts

The body is a temple. And beautiful breasts are a testament to the beauty of a woman. Yet why does it feel like beautiful breasts are only attainable by getting lucky in the genetic lottery pool? Simple, beautiful women, with beautiful breasts, are everywhere. They're on magazines, on tv, on movie screens. As women we're consistently reminded in subtle and not-so-subtle ways that beautiful breasts are consistent with beautiful women.

That doesn't make us evil, or wrong, if we weren't blessed with bountiful boobies but wish we had them. Total Curve takes the approach that beautiful breasts are nurtured and grown with a woman's natural balance of tissues and phytoestrogens. Some women opt for silicone breast implants, and there is no disputing their popularity as the most often-performed cosmetic surgery in the United States. But are breast implants the healthiest option to breast augmentation? Let's look at the issues involved.

Recent studies suggest that women who undergo breast implant surgery tend to be younger. Over half of American women who undergo breast implants have an annual income under $25,000. What is shocking, however, is that a recent Swedish study revealed that these same women were three times more likely to commit suicide. They were also three times more likely to die of alcohol and drug use.

Breast implant surgery is not without risks, either. Complications from the surgery include scarring, thinning of breast tissue and potential problems with breast feeding. The silicone implants can trigger a capsular contraction, which is an immune response to a foreign object introduced within the breast area, causing collagen fibers to tighten and squeeze against the implants, which is unsightly at best and often painful.

Finally, there is the issue of recurring surgeries. Breast implants do not last forever, and while they can last for several decades, implants do, at some point, fail. Women with implants can expect to have recurring surgery throughout there lives, whether to replace aging implants or to correct related issues, be they silicone leakage or ruptures.

What is a woman to do?

Total Curve wants you to love your body. And acknowledge that you aren't any less of a woman because you want to celebrate your breasts with breast enhancement. In fact, another study of women between 21 and 57 found that breast augmentation improved their self-esteem and boosted their feelings of sexual desire by 78%.

Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy is a natural and non-surgical breast augmentation process for women that nurtures your body and encourages beautiful breast growth. Using a daily supplement of safe phytoestrogens, a lifting and firming gel with Volufiline and an exercise program to increase the tone of the muscles supporting your breasts, Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy is clinically proven to grow bountiful breasts in women using her natural hormone balance and her existing breast tissues. No surgical knives, no silicone. Honest. Give Total Curve the chance to nurture your body with beautiful breasts.

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