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Extenze ™ Suplemento de realce masculino totalmente natural


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Embora os resultados variem, os estudos geralmente relatam que 55-75% dos homens estão insatisfeitos com o tamanho do pênis.

Extenze  tem como objetivo ajudar os homens a aumentar sua confiança e prazer sexual em geral, aumentando o tamanho de sua ereção e, ao mesmo tempo, melhorando sua qualidade e controle geral do orgasmo.

Sua formulação totalmente natural o torna uma alternativa SEGURA e acessível aos medicamentos prescritos. (Não são necessárias idas ao médico embaraçosas ou inconvenientes.)

E vem em uma fórmula de uma vez ao dia, tornando-o mais conveniente do que a maioria dos suplementos masculinos no mercado hoje, que requerem que você tome 2 a 3 cápsulas por dia.

Comece a promover Extenze  hoje mesmo com qualquer um dos materiais de marketing profissionalmente projetados incluídos abaixo!

Formato do Produto

Cada pacote contém 30 cápsulas, um suprimento para um mês.


Adequado para homens de 21 a 60 anos ou mais que desejam diminuir os efeitos físicos do envelhecimento em suas vidas sexuais, melhorar sua qualidade e controle de ereção e desfrutar de um apetite maior por sexo com orgasmos mais intensos.

Países Permitidos

Todos os países são permitidos, exceto: Afeganistão, Botsuana, Canadá, Cuba, Egito, Estônia, Islândia, Índia, Irã, Iraque, Líbano, México, Mianmar, Coreia do Norte, Noruega, Samoa, África do Sul, Sudão, Síria, Venezuela

Premature Ejaculation

The definition for premature ejaculation is vague at best. It could mean either ejaculating before intercourse, or just as you begin intercourse, maybe a couple of minutes in. Some even define intercourse as finishing before your partner! How many times have you wished you could have more staying power? You aren't alone. In fact, the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) reports that 30% of men ejaculate prematurely.

Premature ejaculation is not a disease, but simply a sexual condition. While premature ejaculation in no way physically harms the sufferer, it does affect his relationship with his partner, who he likely leaves sexually unsatisfied. This in turn will affect his self-esteem, which leaks into other aspects of his life. But lucky for you, there is a cure. You can't just be expected to control this function though, without a little bit of help. You've probably tried thinking of something else other than sex, which may work but all it does is decrease the intensity of your orgasm. Or, that you need to turn to prescription medication which is both pricey and rife with side effects. Both are completely unnecessary. Instead, we'll teach you a few easy tricks so you can enjoy sex for longer.

Learning how to start and stop is your most effective tool in preventing early orgasm. That is, while having sex recognize the moment before you orgasm, and hold off. It should first be practiced during masturbation, and then incorporated with a partner. Learn to find that moment right as you build towards orgasm, which is signalled by a tingling feeling. Stop any stimulation once you feel this tingling. After the sensation subsides, resume stimulation. See how many times you can do this, then let yourself orgasm. It may sound easy, but you'll see it's far more difficult than it sounds. You may find that you will occasionally lose the strength of your erection - this happens occasionally. Just continue as you were before. Once you are ready for partner sex with this routine, try caressing and kissing during these little breaks.

Kegel exercises are another great way of holding off orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles, otherwise known as the PC muscles. To find these muscles, stop your urination midstream - that would be the PC muscles. Now, to do a Kegel exercise, clench the muscle, hold it for five seconds, then release. Repeat these in sets of ten until you are tired. Slowly, over time, increase the number of reps, and should ideally be repeated three times a day. You won't see any results quickly, at least not for three to four weeks. How this works is during sex, once you feel yourself building towards orgasm in the same way you learned with the start and stop technique, clench this muscle. This can be done in conjunction with the start and stop.

An herbal supplement is also a great help, as long as it comes from a reputable company. Extenze promises a longer, firmer, thicker erection. Who doesn't want that? More importantly, it increases your staying power while still increasing the power of your orgasm. This probably sounds too good to be true. But it does work, through a carefully selected blend of natural sexual enhancers. Expect results with no side effects.

Review of ExtenZe

News flash - the world ain't getting any younger. Roughly 10,000 Americans are hitting their 60th birthday every day. That's an impending wave of seniors who still have many good years left and want to make the best of them.

Many of these sexy new seniors are ExtenZe clients, having made the product into one of the best known natural male enhancement products. Some big names stand behind ExtenZe too, among them, former spokesmen Jimmy Johnson (of Dallas Cowboys fame) and NASCAR driver Kevin Conway.

Those are some big names...but do they mean you should buy ExtenZe? No - you should buy ExtenZe because it offers natural help for guys who want a bigger erection, increased sex drive, stamina and a better sex life.

Recommendation: Buy It

The good news is that ExtenZe delivers. An all-natural libido supplement for men, it's got a quality formula that helps men hit their potential in the bedroom regardless of age and ensures enough sexual activity to keep the neighbors awake (probably more than they'd like!).

Being a natural male enhancement product, the ingredients in ExtenZe need time to build up in your system. There's usually a waiting period between one and three months before male enhancers deliver those noticeable increases to sex drive you're looking for. Many guys find ExtenZe is one of the faster supplements and they're often pleasantly surprised with the spike in sexual activity in the first month.

What Customers Like About ExtenZe:

It's a good product. ExtenZe is all-natural and gives men the ability to have spontaneous sex. No awkard waiting period for a little blue pill to kick in. Once the nutrients in ExtenZe have cumulated in your body it's play time. When ever and as often as you like. You may also last longer.

Most ExtenZe clients buy the product because it's so famous and they've seen it on TV and read about it. The recognition factor is important for them, and if that matters to you, this is a good product.

ExtenZe also offers very good value when you buy it through the appropriate channels. We'll discuss that in a bit.

What Customers Don't Like About ExtenZe:

ExtenZe works for the vast majority of guys and most of them love it. Admittedly, though, it's not the most powerful formula when compared to a few other male enhancement products, which remain a little more 'exclusive'.

Some guys aren't keen on waiting up to three months to enjoy the benefits of ExtenZe either - another reason to buy the product in a package (some come with free personal lubricants to offer instant arousal while your body processes the nutrients in the ExtenZe supplement.


Good and natural. ExtenZe has a nice variety of herbals and amino acids, like l-arginine, pumpkin seed and ginger. Some guys love that it has yohimbe extract. Others prefer their enhancers to be yohimbe-free.

The ExtenZe formula is not as strong as a few of the most exclusive enhancement products, but there's more than enough here to have your libido firing on all cylinders. Being natural, most guys buy it to avoid that whole mess of prescription ED pills. ExtenZe is a winner, with all-natural ingredients that are well-tolerated and with very few reported side effects.


ExtenZe offers good value. You'll get BETTER value when you buy it at buyextenze.com and here's why: you'll need at least six months of ExtenZe to get the most enjoyment and performance out of the product because you need time to process the nutrients.

That's why some sites, like buyextenze.com, offer discount packaging on larger orders, bringing the cost down to about what you'd pay if you bought it in a store. No worrying about prying eyes either, and they ship it for free within the States if you buy a 6 month package or higher.

But maybe the best reason to buy ExtenZe at that site is because they give you a free bottle of ExtenZe personal lubricant on orders of three months or higher. They're absolutely HUGE bottles...and the reports coming in are that it feels amazing. The bigger package you buy, the more free bottles you get.

Final Word On ExtenZe:

Send the kids away. You're going to be very busy with ExtenZe - and busier when you buy it at buyextenze.com because of those free bottles of ExtenZe lube. ExtenZe offers credibility, value, and yeah, it really works. All good reasons to put ExtenZe in your life.

ExtenZe, Sex and Teasing

Teasing is a seriously under-rated part of sex.

Admit it, you've dreamed and fantasized about exactly what you'd love to do, and what you'd love her to do, with your ideal sex partner at some point in your life.

Hey, it's your fantasy. The great thing about fantasy is, you're never disappointed.

I'm also willing to bet that part of that fantasy involves some kind of teasing.

For real, who WOULDN'T be aroused by a curvy brunette in sexy, revealing clothes (or not even!) doing things to you in such precise detail that Hugh Hefner himself would blush?

Relax mate. You're not evil for having those thoughts. You're human. That's a good thing.

How'd you like to do the same to the lady in your life?

The makers of ExtenZe, one of the most effective natural male libido enhancers available today, think that teasing is a fun way to lead into healthy and enjoyable sex. And in this article you'll find some sexy ways to tease your female partner. Play your cards right and it's more than likely that she'll return the favor.

Talk to her. When you get her alone, whisper to her that you've been thinking all day about what you want to to do her, and where you'll do it.

Tell her how you're going to use your tongue around her neck, back and inner thigh. Then lick her gently, teasing her with your tongue.

Then kiss her mouth. But if she tries to kiss you back aggressively, pull away. Hold her face, and kiss her at a slower, teasing tempo.

While you're holding her face, move it in one direction, then bite and suck on her neck. Then go back to her mouth, lick her lips and suck on each one.

You're driving her nuts like this.

Turn it up a little. Massage her temples with your index and middle fingers on both sides. Move to the roots of her hair and use your fingertips to massage her head.

Then, with medium force, pull her hair and bring her cheek to yours. Ask her if she likes what you're doing. Affirmative? Crank it up a little.

Rub her shoulders. Then gently place your fist in her back. Open your hands and slowly lead them to the front of her body. Bring your hands down underneath her breasts and firmly hold onto her ribs. Then, move them up and circle her breasts. But don't touch them.

Go down to her thighs and open her legs so her vagina is exposed. Massage on thigh at a time. Then, slowly make your way up her body with your hands, until you're at her lips, but don't touch. Not even if she asks.

Instead, go down to her navel. Lick your way up to her chest.

Then remove your body from hers completely. Go up to her face and passionately kiss her.

She's going insane with your unpredictability!

Ease up on the intense kissing and kiss her slowly. If she attacks you, hold her face and kiss her so you're keeping her desire just slightly at bay.

At this point she's probably going insane and begging you to go inside her. Don't give in entirely. Just tease her here, with...

Let's not get too graphic here. We'll conclude this lesson in Teasing 101 to your imagination.

But if you want to boost your sex life and your ability to tease and tantalize your lady into intense, animalistic sex, try it with ExtenZe.

Formulated with a proprietary and VERY effective blend of natural herbs and amino acids that boost sex drive, give bigger and harder erections and increase overall sexual health, ExtenZe is a healthy and very rewarding journey to sexual ecstasy. For you and for her.

What's in it? Top secret, although the ingredients are all natural, very safe and doctor-approved. We gotta tease you a little too, you know.

But be assured that, with ExtenZe and a little teasing, you're in for some lovin' tonight, friend.

What ExtenZe Does and Does Not

There is no shortage of male enhancement products available to today's consumer. They promise everything from penis extension to boosted sex drive. Some products work and are offered by solid companies with long records of quality products and happy customers. Others are garbage, thrown together by shady operators knowing they won't be around by the time you figure out their products don't work!

ExtenZe is an effective, natural and safe male enhancement supplement for men looking to enjoy long, frequent and thoroughly satisfying sex. Rather than making claims of bravado and not deliver, as with many male enhancement products, ExtenZe would like to clarify exactly what it promises to do, and what it doesn't.

ExtenZe Does: Give you a larger erection

ExtenZe is formulated with a proprietary blend of herbals and natural aphrodisiacs proven to stimulate blood flow to the penis and increase its ability restrict blood from leaving the corpora cavernosa (the spongy reservoirs that hold and retain blood during arousal), and thus producing your erection. Over time and with enough consistency, ExtenZe increases the corpora cavernosa's capacity, giving you a harder and larger erection.

ExtenZe Does NOT: Give you a permanent nine-inch penis

While ExtenZe is proven to increase the size and strength of the erection, it will NOT magically grow your penis so large that it won't fit in your pants. So many shady male enhancement products promise that your penis will grow to unrealistic sizes that we feel that we should set the record straight. Yes, ExtenZe will give you a large erection, and if you find that your penis is permanently bigger, which isn't impossible, then that's great. But the greatest size benefit with ExtenZe will be a larger and more enjoyable erection.

ExtenZe Does: Boost your sex drive

The herbals, nutrients and natural supplements found in ExtenZe are natural aphrodisiacs that increase sexual desire and stimulate the male libido. You'll enjoy frequent erections with ExtenZe, and if there's a significant other in your life, you'll more than likely have a lot more sex as a result.

ExtenZe Does NOT: Produce negative side effects

The ingredients used in ExtenZe are natural supplements that are proven safe. There are no pharmaceutical drugs in ExtenZe and therefore does not produce any known side effects. However please see your physician if you're concerned about taking ExtenZe with medications or pre-existing conditions.

ExtenZe Does: Increase your sexual stamina

With practice comes great things, and it's no exception with ExtenZe. The longer you make ExtenZe a part of your routine, the more erection and ejaculation control you'll get. This leads to longer, more frequent and ultimately more enjoyable orgasms. You'll also enjoy boosted sexual health with ExtenZe, as the ingredients are proven to benefit the male reproductive system. Practice makes perfect, and with the sexual stamina and health to back it up you can expect great things for your sex live with ExtenZe.

ExtenZe Does NOT: Require a prescription

No need to plan a visit to the doctor to enjoy great, frequent and healthy sex. The ingredients in ExtenZe are all-natural and therefore don't require a prescription.

ExtenZe Does: Offer everything you need for great sex in a single capsule

ExtenZe packs a potent blend of aphrodisiacs and herbal extracts that can rejuvenate your sex life into one convenient capsule, to be taken once a day. And unlike Viagra, there's no need to wait an hour for it to kick in. Once you've been using ExtenZe long enough to maximize its benefits (about eight weeks), you're good to go. No need to plan a session in advance. Just use ExtenZe as recommended and enjoy great sex when ever and where ever you please.

ExtenZe is a natural, effective and proven way to boost sexual health and enjoy intense and frequent orgasms. ExtenZe changes lives by making great sex possible, and often! No nine inch penises promised. But if you're looking to make amazing sex a permanent part of your life, you can do it with ExtenZe.

FAQs About ExtenZe

What is ExtenZe?

ExtenZe is a natural male enhancement supplement designed to increase erection size and sex drive. Men using ExtenZe also report better stamina and greater satisfaction with sex.

How does ExtenZe compare to other male enhancement products?

This depends who you ask. ExtenZe consistently ranks in the top three recommended products among natural enhancers because of the high quality of the ingredients in its formula and the results it provides. ExtenZe is great for men who want long-term increased performance ability.

Depending where you buy ExtenZe, you might also get free gifts with your purchase.

ExtenZe is unique in that it receives substantial media attention on TV and in print media. Several big names have been linked to ExtenZe at various times, including Ron Jeremy, former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson and NASCAR driver Kevin Conway.

Why should I buy ExtenZe?

For the ability to have spontaneous sex achieved with a natural product. ExtenZe uses time-tested herbals that benefit the male reproductive system and health. This contrasts with prescription ED pills which simply offer an erection for each "session" and don't help men achieve long-term sexual wellness.

ExtenZe is non-prescription too, so you can buy it without that embarassing trip to the doctor. And speaking of the latter, ExtenZe is approved by doctors.

What's in ExtenZe?

It's a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients, including yohimbe extract, velvet deer antler, l-arginine and korean ginseng. Go to buyextenze.com to view the full list of ingredients in this highly potent formula.

Is ExtenZe safe?

Most guys use ExtenZe with no problems at all. Remember that it's completely natural, which is why many consumers skip prescription ED pills in favor of ExtenZe in the first place.

You should speak with your doctor if you are concerned about possible interactions with any prescriptions you're on right now, or pre-existing medical conditions. However, the vast majority of guys use ExtenZe without any problems.

Has ExtenZe changed in the past few years?

ExtenZe changed from a tablet to a liquid gelcap in 2012. The formula now comes with extended release, meaning the ingredients are realized by the body faster, and with better absorption, so the consumer enjoys even more sexual-enhancing benefits of ExtenZe.

Where can I buy ExtenZe?

You can buy ExtenZe online through various sites, but one of the most popular is buyextenze.com because it offers discount packaging and free gifts on larger orders. This site also offers live customer support if you have any questions about the product and they ship the product discreetly.

What are the free gifts that I get when I buy ExtenZe through buyextenze.com?

Glad you asked.

Buy ExtenZe in a package of at least three months and you get your choice of either ExtenZe silicone or water-based personal lubricant. This way, you don't even have to wait for ExtenZe to kick in before you enjoy size and stamina - just apply the lube and you've got an instant erection.

The bottles are huge, at 4.8 fluid ounces (138 grams). And you get more of them with larger orders. The 6 month packages comes with 2 bottles. A year comes with three, which pretty much guarantees you more than a year of awesome sex (12 months of ExtenZe and 3 bottles of lube, with each bottle lasting at least a month, and probably longer).

Is ExtenZe guaranteed?

Yes, absolutely. Buy ExtenZe and use as directed. At any time during the first 60 days, if you're not happy with the product, just return the boxes and any unopened containers and you get a full refund minus shipping and handling.

How will the charge show up on my credit card?

Discreetly. That's one of the reasons guys tend to prefer buying ExtenZe at buyextenze.com, in which case your charge shows up as "leminternet" and the package is labelled from "Leading Edge". That's it, no worrying about snooping eyes at the check out aisle of your local department store.

What if I have further questions about ExtenZe?

Did you buy ExtenZe at buyextenze.com? Call their customer support team at 1-866-621-6886 and a highly trained customer support rep will answer any questions you might have.

Why ExtenZe is Right For You

Let's be honest, you don't need anyone to twist your arm to convince you to have sex. You were born with a penis and you like using it. Well duh!

It's no secret that testosterone production trails off as you get older. This can affect your performance and brings a variety of sex-related problems into your bedroom, like impotency and pre-mature ejaculation.

Then there's the issue of size. The average American penis is between five to seven inches long. But there are a lot of guys smaller than that, and they hate it. Micropenis, as it's called, refers to an unusually small penis. Before you scoff at this, recognize that about one in every 200 men have a penis less than two inches long when fully erect. That's almost 750,000 guys in the United States.

It's also no secret that women like a large penis. Yes, there are better ways to measure a man's self-worth than the size of his johnson. But have you ever heard a woman say she prefers a small penis? The vagina is lined with sensitive tissues that give pleasurable sensations during sex. If the penis is too small it doesn't hit these sweet spots, making it difficult for women to orgasm.

That's the way biology made us guys. When you're young and fertile, you're lovin' life. When you're older, or born with a small penis, things get challenging.

Do you see where I'm going with this? You've got a penis, and it's fun to use, but sometimes guys need help, to make it bigger and to keep the libido in fighting form.

You've heard of Viagra. That's the “miracle drug” of the late 90's that gave erections to senior men around the world. Viagra did good things for many men, it's true. But it's expensive, at around twenty bucks a pill. Plus it's usually available only through a doctor. And it while it's proven to give wood, so to speak, it doesn't boost sexual health. Put another way, Viagra gives the ability to get an erection, but not the desire.

Getting back to penis enhancement, you've probably heard there's a surgery available to make the penis bigger. It's called phalloplasty, and it's used to lengthen and widen the penis. Men who've had phalloplasty to widen the penis are generally satisfied with the results. Lengthening the penis by this method is a different story. A whopping 73% of the patients who underwent penis-lengthening phalloplasty are unhappy with the results (usually an added inch).

Phalloplasty isn't a cakewalk either. The penis is a series of tissues and ligaments that doesn't take kindly to knives and is easily damaged. Sometimes this damage is permanent. By trying to make your penis bigger with surgery you actually risk never getting it up again.

By the way, you're paying five grand for this. And you'll probably have to pay another five grand for the required follow-up surgery. Nice huh?

Hey, all you want is to have sex with a decent-sized erection with the stamina and health to back it up. Is this too much to ask??

No it's not, my friend. ExtenZe is the answer.

ExtenZe is an all-natural male enhancement process, formulated with a proprietary blend of potent herbals, nutrients and aphrodisiacs that produce a larger, harder erection and boost sexual health. Because the ingredients are natural, it doesn't produce nasty side effects and doesn't require a trip to a doctor. And because ExtenZe benefits sexual health, you'll be able to produce a large erection, and use it, when ever and where ever you please.

You see, some male enhancement products promise massive, permanent gains to your penis. ExtenZe stimulates blood flow to the penis and increases its capacity to hold blood, giving you a larger erection. You probably won't get a nine inch penis with ExtenZe. What you WILL get is a large erection, ejaculation control and longer orgasms. In other words, you'll have great sex. Without surgical knives, prescriptions or twenty dollar pills.

You're a man and you deserve great sex at any age. ExtenZe will give it to you.

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