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Provacyl ™ combate a andropausa e se sente jovem novamente


Provacyl ™

Aumente a resistência física, diminua a gordura corporal, sinta-se mais jovem

Provacyl está prestes a decolar. Aqui está o porquê.

Uma geração de homens está começando a se aposentar e entrar na terceira idade. Os baby boomers controlam mais de 80% da riqueza americana, respondem por 50% dos gastos discricionários e compram 77% de todos os medicamentos prescritos.

Estamos além de bilhões. A geração masculina dos baby boomers é um segmento de mercado de um trilhão de dólares. Isso é um trilhão, com um 't'. E isso é apenas os Estados Unidos.

Como um liberador do hormônio de crescimento humano (HGH), o Provacyl está posicionado para ajudar milhões a lidar com os sintomas da andropausa , ou a diminuição gradual da produção de hormônio nos homens, com uma mistura potente e natural de ervas, aminoácidos e nutrientes clinicamente comprovados para :

  • aumentar naturalmente o desejo sexual masculino
  • ajuda a reduzir o excesso de gordura corporal
  • aumentar a massa muscular magra
  • aumentar a resistência física
  • produzem sentimentos de bem-estar e perspectiva de vida positiva

Vamos enfrentá-lo, os caras sempre vão querer muito sexo, ter uma boa aparência e se sentir bem. A boa notícia para você, afiliado, é que, com o Provacyl, eles podem fazer isso sem os custos e despesas das injeções de HGH sintético.

Provacyl tem uma lista de clientes felizes, não produz efeitos colaterais conhecidos e oferece esperança para homens em todo o mundo que desejam uma maneira segura e acessível de desfrutar de seus anos de aposentadoria.

Formato do Produto

Provacyl é um suplemento dietético comprimido duas vezes ao dia.


Adequado para homens com idades entre 40 e 65 anos ou mais que desejam tratar os sintomas da andropausa. Especificamente, homens que desejam aumentar o desejo sexual, aumentar a massa muscular magra e reduzir o excesso de gordura corporal.

Beating Male Depression

Despite what you may have heard, depression affects men as profoundly as it does women.

Yes, we've all heard the jokes about the male mid-life crisis and the questions of self-identity that go with it.

But there's a darker side to depression in men. Over a million people take their lives world-wide each year. American men are three to four times more likely to commit suicide than women. In fact, American men between 20 and 24 have a suicide rate seven times higher than women in the same age bracket.

While not all depressed men are going to commit suicide, symptoms of depression affect men's lives and can have a profound impact on their careers, health and their loved ones. Symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, guilt or helplessness, low mood and an inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and insomnia.

Compounding the problem is the fact that men can find it difficult to reach out and ask for help with depression. Reaching out can make men feel unmanly and weak.

This article outlines how to reach out to men experiencing depression, either yourself or someone you know.

First of all, talk to people. While men often find it difficult to talk about depression, they're more likely to talk about depression-related symptoms they might experience, like insomnia or lack of energy. Talking to a doctor is a good place to start, as it may help diagnose the root cause of the symptoms.

Don't bottle up your feelings. If you've had a blow out with someone, tell someone about it. Alleviate the tension that can build up inside.

Stay active. Exercise benefits both the body and mind, and not only helps you sleep better, it's a great stress relief and an effective way to shed excess pounds. Recent studies are now linking depression to obesity. At the very least, you'll look better with regular exercise. Chances are, you'll feel better too.

Maintain a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of the best depression-fighting foods include brown rice, whole grains, leafy vegetables and oily fish. Salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are all high in the omega-3 fatty acid EPA. In a 2002 clinical study, researchers found that participants who took a gram of fish oil each day experienced a 50% reduction in depressive symptoms, including insomnia, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.

Stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in fat and sugar. Also avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can make depressive symptoms much worse.

Practice relaxation techniques and exercises like yoga. Have a massage, or practice aroma therapy. Lemon oil, for example, is a powerful anti-depressant and clinical studies have shown it can reduce stress.

Try to sleep between seven and eight hours a night. This can be difficult when experiencing depression, as insomnia is a common depressive symptom. Therefore, practice good sleep hygiene. Make your bedroom an inviting place to sleep. Keep it dark and cool and avoid coffee and stimulants before going to bed. Having said this, try not to get upset if you can't sleep. Avoid sleeping pills, and with enough healthy lifestyle factors, you'll eventually sleep better.

Don't forget to do something you enjoy! Spend time on a hobby or something you enjoy. Maybe it's golfing. Maybe you're a stamp collector. Whatever you enjoy, spend some time to do it. And if it gets you outside when the sun is shining, even better.

Review your lifestyle. Many men who experience depressive symptoms are also perfectionists. In some cases it can be wise to reduce expectations or workload. Or even explore the options of a new career.

If nothing else, take a break from your regular routine. A vacation can do wonders for your life perspective, but even a few days, or a few hours can help.

And finally try a good human growth hormone (HGH) releaser. These are dietary supplements that boost HGH production in men and women, which reduce the effects of aging, including fewer wrinkles, less body fat, increased lean muscle mass and enhanced sex drive.

An HGH releaser can reduce depressive symptoms in men and boost overall quality of life, including more sex, younger appearance and increased feelings of well-being. And because they're dietary supplements, they're available without a doctor prescription. Provacyl is a good HGH releaser for men, as it's specifically formulated with natural ingredients to address andropause, or the steady decrease of hormone production in men, and comes with no known side effects.

Depression in men is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. But it doesn't have to. With the tips you've found in this article you're equipped to manage depression and minimize the disruption it can create in either your life, or someone you know.

Wanna Live Longer? Read This

Wanna live longer? Feel better, maybe even squeeze some sex into your senior years? Three words: orange, green, Provacyl.

Orange and green refer to the colors of the fruits and vegetables you should be eating. More on that shortly. Provacyl is the revolutionary human growth hormone (HGH) releaser that addresses decreased hormone production in men as they get older. This process is called andropause, and if you like awesome sex and feeling like you're lean and mean, it sucks.

But not to worry, we'll get to that later. Let's go a little deeper into orange and green, and how they'll prolong your life. After all, you can't enjoy sex if you're not around to have it in the first place!

Fruits and veggies that are orange and green are rich in alpha-carotene. Recent studies have linked high blood levels of alpha-carotene to reduced risk of cancers, heart disease and Alzheimer's. That's because they're rich in antioxidants, fighting free radicals – the molecules that damage DNA, proteins and fats in cells – and reduce these leading causes of death.

In a 14 year study, recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers studied the link between alpha-carotene blood levels and mortality in 15,318 adults aged 20 and older. Those with higher alpha-carotene levels had a 39% lower risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease and similar killers of adults.

The effect of alpha-carotene was particularly strong against cancers of the upper digestive tract (esophagus, larynx and pharynx), type 2 diabetes and lower respiratory disease.

Researchers theorize that alpha-carotenes are better than beta-carotenes at blocking growth of cancer cells in the skin, brain and liver.

They also discovered that yellow-orange and dark green vegetables are better at fighting lung cancer than all other vegetables. Sources of alpha-carotene include carrots, carrot juice, collard greens, pumpkin, vegetable soup, vegetable juice and tangerines.

Beta-carotenes, like their alpha counterparts, both belong to the carotenoid family, and while they're not as powerful against cancer as alpha-carotenes, they're rich in vitamin A and should be a staple in any healthy diet.

Suffice to say, eat your fruits and vegetables, like your parents told you as a kid!

Dieticians have long recommended eating seven to ten servings of fruits and veggies every day. One serving is relatively small. If it fits in your hand, that's one serving.

Most North Americans don't come close to meeting this target. That's a shame, because the health benefits of fruits and vegetables are numerous, and with proper planning can easily be fit into your daily schedule.

You can blend berries with breakfast, for example, as a smoothie or with cereal. Tangerines, baby carrots and apples make great snacks between meals. You can also add spinach leaves, grated carrots or a sliced tomato to your sandwich for lunch.

With dinner, use at least two different vegetables. Use romaine and dark-green lettuce instead of iceberg lettuce with salads, as they're higher in carotenoids. Try sweet potato, instead of white potato. Sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene and is substantially higher in nutritional value.

And in a complete reversal of what you normally hear with less-healthy offerings, increase portion sizes with fruits and veggies. Try a cup of two servings of sweet potato, for example, instead of half a cup. Wash raw fruits and vegetables, as they're handled multiple times between harvest and your fridge, which makes you susceptible to food poisoning.

Eat fruits and vegetables with half to one teaspoon of oil. This increases the absorption rate of the antioxidants, as they're fat-soluble.

Don't worry about buying frozen produce when fresh is out of season. Frozen fruits and vegetables are quick to prepare and are often better at preserving vitamins and nutrients than fresh produce, because they're usually processed and packaged shortly after harvest, which locks in nutrients.

You can enhance your life further with Provacyl, one of the most effective human growth hormone (HGH) releasers on the market.

The beauty of Provacyl is it's an all-natural supplement of proven amino acids and herbal extracts used since ancient times to boost hormone production. This has many benefits, among which are reduced fat storage, more lean muscle, longer physical endurance, and, as studies suggest, boost sex drive, both libido and stamina.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, Provacyl has no side effects and doesn't require a trip to a doctor. Think of it as a daily supplement to incorporate with your healthy, alpha-carotene rich diet. Do both for life and you're on your way to a long, happy and healthy time on this Earth, with reduced risk of illness and boosted feelings of well-being.

You may even get more sex in your life this way!

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